(image found at http://thepilver.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/rum-and-coke.jpg)
Im my opinion the lime wedge is unneeded when you have a quality rum. As I said before, my favorite for this drink is Gosling's dark seal.

(image found at http://www.drinkhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/goslings-black-seal-rum.jpg)
Of course how are you going to have a rum and coke without the coke? I of course have to be difficult once again and suggest that you only get mexican coke from your neighborhood hispanic market. I can hear your questions already, what is the difference? The only difference that matters is that mexican coke is made with pure sugar and not corn syrup. This adds to more of a cola flavor and not as sweet.

(image found at http://www.acontinuouslean.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Mexican_coke_3.jpg)
As usual the recipe is simple because of the lack of ingredients.
4 oz rum
8 oz coke
Pour both ingredients over ice and stir gently.
There you have it. One of the best party drinks you can make at home for when you have friends over. I can guarantee that if you substitute mexican coke for american coke and Gosling's rum people will notice. Just because a cocktail is simple doesn't mean you have to skimp on the quality of the ingredients. On the contrary in my opinion. The simpler the cocktail is the better ingredients you should use.
I'll see you all next week.