Lets take a step back. Back in time to the French 75. This cocktail was one of the first I ever tried. I was 21 and at the bar with a friend when someone I do not know comes up and orders a French 75. Seeing that the bartender actually knew what this man was talking about he got his cocktail and left. I could only think that what he ordered looked delicious and I wanted one. So placing my order I was ill prepared for what happened next. This is one of those cocktails that is way more powerful than you think and can easily drink 4 or 5 without knowing how much it is going to affect you. Consider this a warning, it is quite tasty but is secretly powerful. Here is a picture of the cocktail.

(image found at http://www.epicurious.com/images/articlesguides/drinking/cocktails/french75.jpg)
This cocktail is made with sugar, gin, lemon juice, and champagne. What is that you say? Gin and champagne together, travesty!! I know that is what I thought when I first tried it, but it works damn well together. Here are the ingredients.

(image found at http://www.cavahalari.gr/site/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/PLYMOUTH_GIN_49c1fc63ca4b0.jpg)

(image found at http://www.nypost.com/rw/nypost/2008/12/30/entertainment/photos_galleries/G2043_photo11.jpg)

(image found at http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/content/knowhow/glossary/sugar/image.jpg)

(image found at http://www.carpetcleaninglondon.net/pub/1267294899_lemon_istock_1.jpg)
The recipe for this one is quite simple.
2 oz gin
1 tbps sugar
1 tbps lemon juice
champagne(I like a brut for this)
lemon twirl for garnish
Take the gin, sugar, lemon juice, and add them to a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake until the sugar is fully dissolved and strain into a champagne flute or other cocktail glass. Top with as much champagne as is necessary and gently stir to mix. Garnish with a lemon twirl, serve.
The boldness of the gin, the lightness of the champagne, and the tartness of the lemon make this a sweet and simply wonderful cocktail. I only caution you when drinking this because of how powerful it is without seeming like it. I have fallen prey to that aspect of this cocktail and you will to if you are not careful.
Until next week, be careful