Most consider champagne something that is to be enjoyed by itself, however you can add two simple ingredients to make it something different, but still a very delicious cocktail. Thus, I give you the champagne cocktail.

Making this is a quick and easy way to take champagne to a different level. Made from just three items makes this cocktail perfect for dessert, or as an aperitif to a meal. These are the ingredients.
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All you need is a sugar cube, some bitters, and your preferred champagne. For me I like Korbel Natural Champagne, it is somewhere between a dry and a brut. Putting it together is simple as well. First you fill a champagne flute with your champagne. Then you take the sugar cube and holding over the spout on the bitters bottle, you give it a few shakes to have the sugar absorb the bitters. After that all you need to do is take the sugar cube and drop it in the champagne.
This cocktail starts out tasting only like champagne, but the more you drink it the more the sugar dissolves and the sweeter it becomes. By the time you are at the bottom, it is quite sweet and you really notice the flavor of the bitters.
Well that is all for this week, I hope you all keep drinking cocktails and having a good time
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