There are only two ingredients for this cocktail, champagne and guinness extra stout.

(image found at http://intoxicologist.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/korbel.jpg)

(image found at http://static.wix.com/media/3ff9088ad85efb18ae59052e07f179bb.wix_mp)
You may notice that I am using the Korbel natural again, I can't help it. It is my favorite champagne at the moment. There are two ways of making this cocktail. In the image above you see that the cocktail on the right is separated while the other is not. I like the separated look personally, and the way you make that is you take the guinness and fill a champagne flute up halfway with it. Then taking a spoon you pour the champagne onto the spoon so that it will flow down the sides of the flute and not mix with the beer. If you don't want it separated I would recommend taking the champagne and filling up the flute halfway and then pour the guinness directly into it to fill the glass. That is it, you now have a Black Velvet.
This cocktail is great to have before you eat as the acidity of the champagne cleans your palate while the guinness gives it body and a warmth. You also get those very fine champagne bubbles which is nothing but a good thing.
That is all for today, keep mixing.
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